✿ Chapter Two


The feeling of wet grass against denim jeans was-- as weird as this sounds--- felt kinda nice. Accompanied by the cloudy afternoon and the huge open area here in my university, I can pretty much say that this is my kind of heaven. Peace, quit--

"JONATHANN, MY DEAREST BRO OF ALL! YOU FINALLY BROUGHT YOUR BUTT TO UNIVERSITY I SEE--" Geordi, my best friend, screamed as he practically tackled me to the grass,

"Geordi, get your filthy hands of me, geez. I know you haven't washed those after your cooking class so don't smear your cooking oil all over me." I told him and he laughed out loud then stopped and smelled his hands,

"Hey I washed them! They even smell of lemon soap that you've always loved!" He frowned and a small pout formed on his lips.

I widened my eyes when I felt my heart skip a beat. Geez, don't tell me I have heart disease now?!

"So, how's art class? Any girls that caught your eyes?" He wiggled his eyes as he smacked the book out of my hand,

"Geez--- Man, you're hecking hyper today, something good happened?" He let out a small smile and ruffled his hair,

"I guess this counts as a 'something good that happened'." I frowned,


"I mean this." He said as he pointed at the both of us,

"It's been a rare occurrence where you attend university. Whenever you do come, you're always on a bad mood and would just push away everyone. I'm happy you at least let me talk to you right now." He smiled genuinely and I felt a weird sting in my chest area.

I shook my head and dismissed the stinging feeling. I highly doubt I don't have heart disease.

"Well, this is a once in a lifetime so--- seize it." I pursed my lips into a thin line and he nodded,

"Now that you've said that, let's get our butts out here and let's hang out!"