I Don't Want to Be Single. I Want to Be in Love!


"Side mission completed. Host obtained twenty contribution points."


"Sect contribution points: 117/100."

"Contribution points have exceeded the limit. Host must spend the excess points within twenty-four hours, or the excess contribution points will be automatically deducted."

While Wei Yinu was howling in agony, the system notification of him completing the mission rang out in Jun Changxiao's ears.

As expected of an elite mission!

After completing it, the system actually gave him twenty contribution points!

Jun Changxiao was unable to contain his joy. But when he glanced at the bloody arm on the platform, he could hardly control his disgust and almost vomited.

He, who had crossed over to this world, had never even killed a chicken before. Now that he suddenly severed the arm of someone, it was normal that it would be very hard for him to adapt.

He wanted to kill me. I don't think my actions were inappropriate by crippling him.

Jun Changxiao consoled himself as his heart state gradually relaxed.

In this cruel world, he naturally had to use cold and sharp methods to retaliate against those who wanted to kill him. If not, he would be the one who died sooner or later!

Humans must have their principles. And my principles are…

I won't offend anyone who doesn't offend me.

But if someone offends me, I will definitely go all out to destroy him!


Jun Changxiao placed the sword back in the sheath as he clasped his hands. "Elder Wei, thanks for letting me win."


He then gracefully leaped down from the Grudge Platform.

"Let's go."


Li Qingyang, Lu Qianqian, and the others followed behind Jun Changxiao as they vanished gradually from the drill grounds.

"How can this be possible?"

"Sect Leader Jun actually defeated Elder Wei, who is at the twelfth stage of the Meridian Opening Realm?"

Only then did the cultivators from the various sects recover from their daze.

Shattering Grandmaster Fan's mortal-grade weapon and severing the arm of Elder Wei. To them, these were things that were simply unimaginable!

The deacon from the Long Blade Sect and the disciple from the Tiger Roar Sect shivered badly, silently musing at how fortunate they were. Luckily, they did not challenge him on impulse, otherwise their fates would definitely have ended in tragedy!

A cultivator heavily said, "That sword of Sect Leader Jun's most probably has reached the level of a high-tier mortal-grade weapon!"

This sentence was agreed upon by everyone.

They found it very hard to believe that Jun Changxiao could heavily injure Wei Yixiao. The only explanation was that the level of weapon he used was extremely high!

Not bad.

The reason for him injuring Wei Yinu was truly because of his low-grade Ice Edge Sword.

Jun Changxiao, who was walking on the streets, silently marveled to himself. "I didn't expect the low-grade weapons from the low-grade store segment to be so powerful."

At the start, he felt that the sword should be slightly stronger than the Gold Dragon Blade. But after clashing, he realized that he has still underestimated the strength of his sword.

"Qianqian." Jun Changxiao smiled. "This seat's sword isn't bad, right?"

"Just passable."

It was so powerful, yet she said it was just passable? What type of sword could make her exclaim in wonder then?

Jun Changxiao shook his head. "This seat has extra swords in my ring. Do you want me to give one to you?"

After completing the elite mission, his contribution points exceeded the limits. Hence, before he left the drill grounds, he purchased another two low-grade Ice Edge Swords.

With such domineering weapons and the fact that he only needed one for himself, he could gift the others to his disciples.

As for why he offered to give one to Lu Qianqian first, that was because she was the first disciple. Secondly, he also hoped to obtain a favorable impression of her so that she would stop speaking sarcastically about him, a sect leader in the future.

"I don't want it," Lu Qianqian calmly replied.

She actually doesn't want a sword of such good quality? Her brain definitely must be damaged!

"Alright then." Jun Changxiao had never forced anyone against their will.

"Sect Leader," Li Qingyang said. "I want it if senior martial sister doesn't."

Although he already has a low-tier mortal-grade weapon, there was still a great disparity between it compared to the sect leader's sword.

"Perform well after we return to the sect, and you can have whatever you want," Jun Changxiao said.

His meaning was clear. He did not intend to gift one to Li Qingyang now.

This was not a difference in treatment. The main thing was that this second disciple had just joined the sect and had not made any contribution yet. It was not appropriate to gift him a sword directly right now.

Jun Changxiao had no wish for his sect to become a charitable organization.

"Understood. This disciple will perform well to gain your approval, Sect Leader."

"Good." Jun Changxiao nodded. He glanced at the disciples behind him as he said, "After joining a sect, it can be tough to meet with your parents again. When you guys return home, spend time with your parents. Just report to the sect in ten days' time."

This sect leader was quite understanding.

"Many thanks, Sect Leader!"

The disciples left respectively. Only Li Qingyang continued to stand at his original location.

"Why are you not heading back?" Jun Changxiao asked.

Li Qingyang shook his head, "After the pointers you offered, sect leader, my father is already in seclusion. There's no meaning even if I return."

"In that case, return to the sect with me."

"Sect leader." Li Qingyang clasped his hands. "This disciple has a presumptuous request."


Li Qingyang fell silent for some time before replying, "This disciple wishes to bring someone to the sect."


"A person I love deeply."

"A woman?"

Was this not nonsense? If the person he loved was not a woman, could it be a man?

Although Li Qingyang was speechless, he still nodded. "That's right. A woman with a lowly background and ordinary talent."

Lowly background? Ordinary talent?

Was such a woman worthy of the number one genius of Qingyang City?

Jun Changxiao seemed to have understood something. "So, this is the other reason you chose to join my Iron Bones Clang Clang Sect, huh?"

"Yeah…" Li Qingyang did not deny it.

Jun Changxiao touched his chin as a look of contemplation appeared on his face. "The sect is expanding recently. We lack someone to do the cleaning and miscellaneous stuff. If she doesn't mind, you can bring her."

"Many thanks, Sect Leader!" Li Qingyang exclaimed with gratitude.

He originally could join the Azure Mountain Sect, but he rejected the invitation. This was because he knew that in such a large sect, they would never allow him to be with the woman he liked.

He chose to join the Iron Bones Sect firstly because the alchemy pill he consumed was amazing and he felt there was potential in the sect. Secondly, a low ninth-grade sect should not mind if he brought an outsider into the sect.

"But…" Jun Changxiao leaned over and said in a low voice, "Falling in love at sixteen, isn't it a little too early?"

"Sect leader, my cousins who are all half-a-year younger than me are all already married and have kids," Li Qingyang replied.

Jun Changxiao's eyes were wide open.

Getting married was understandable, but having kids so young? Isn't that a little too unbelievable?

Li Qingyang was puzzled. "Sect leader, could it be that you don't know that people are considered of age at fourteen on the Fallen Star Continent? Fourteen year olds are already able to marry and have kids."

"Cough, cough!"

Jun Changxiao placed his hands behind his back. "This seat naturally knows this."

However, he was bitterly thinking in his heart, Being able to start a family at fourteen, I'm going to be eighteen in two months' time. Doesn't that mean that I'm a veteran single dog?

I don't want to be single. I want to be in love!

"Sect leader, I'll be bringing her over."

"Oh, sure."

Li Qingyang left. Not too long later, he returned alone, and there was a letter in his hands.

"Where is she?" Jun Changxiao asked.

Li Qingyang lowered his head and spoke in pain. "She said she didn't wish to hamper my future and left after writing this letter."

"If that girl's situation is really as you have said, from a lowly background with mediocre talent, it's the best ending given that she's leaving you silently," Jun Changxiao said.

"Sect leader!" Li Qingyang inclined his head. "You also feel that she isn't worthy of me?"

Jun Changxiao replied, "I'm not the one who feels so. It's the others who feel so."

Li Qingyang clutched the letter tightly. "After I become an expert, even if I have to go to the ends of the earth, I will definitely find her again. At that time, before the eyes of everyone in the world, I will tell her loudly that only I, Li Qingyang, am not worthy of you. There is no issue of you not being not worthy of Li Qingyang!"

"Good!" Jun Changxiao clapped his hands.

In his past world, there was a social norm like both parties in marriage had to be of equal status. In this world dictated by strength, this 'social norm' was enforced even stricter.

Li Qingyang had outstanding talent, yet he did not care about the humble background of the girl, ignoring views of the world. Just this point in his character alone was extremely valuable.

"Yet another idiot," Lu Qianqian said.

Jun Changxiao was speechless.

It turned out that this woman would not only make cutting remarks about him, she would do the same to her junior martial brother too…