SS-Grade Dark Golden Combat Suit, Dragon God-Type Nuclear Rocket Launcher


Over ten blended qi trees all collapsed.

Dumbo, shovel in paws spread the ashes eagerly.

"Ten pile of ashes aren't much, but I would probably have gotten eight hundred potatoes if it planted on it. Still, I have a hundred of those left, and I could try planting other crops, such as bananas or bitter gourds."

Jiang He glanced at his System.

[Farm Points: 2200]

[Farm Level: 3 (EXP 3300/5000)]

Not a bad harvest!

He had accumulated a thousand blended qi pellets from the ten blended qi pellet trees.

One blended qi pellet earned Jiang He 10 Farm Points, 1 EXP, totaling up to 10,000 Farm Points and 1,000 EXP. After deducting the 1,000 Farm Points he spent previously on nitrogen fertilizers, he made a net profit of 9,000 Farm Points.

Of course, there was the additional EXP and the one thousand blended qi pellets.