Blow Up His Ancestors!

Jiang He could not help flinching at the coquettish, worried voice.

He promptly opened his eyes and withdrew the blazing flames around his body. White steam was everywhere within the vast room, and Sora was standing behind him, her face scarlet as her sexy maid costume was dampened by sweat and steam.

"Get out!"

It was too hot here.

The fire blazing around him when he awakened almost vaporized the entire swimming pool in seconds.

Hence, Sora left.

Jiang He opened a window, and with a gust of True Qi, he blew the steam out of the room.

Then, stretching his senses over his own body, he found that the ocean of swords in his head was now burning with scarlet flames.

At a single thought…


A streak of fire shot out of his fingertip.

"Fire-type power?"

"It doesn't feel strong, and it would barely hold up against a rank-six martial artist… its strength is probably a class-B pinnacle."