Great Leap In Ability and the Power of Thunder Will


A dull crash could be heard.

As Rock Pile slammed heavily into the ground, he crashed through and collapsed a building next to the opposite house.

By now, most of the houses around Jiang He's house had crumbled entirely.


Rock Pile spat out a mouthful of blood. Fear and disbelief cloud his eyes, and all he could think offwas Jiang He's palm strike.

How frightening!

How horrific!

Even if Rock Pile was himself a grandmaster in stress straining and his physique alone could match a rank-seven advanced individual, in the face of that palm strike, he felt an illusion as if he was no more than a leaf raft adrift in the sea, and could capsize at any moment.

There was just no way of stopping it.

The buffeting winds from Jiang He's nonchalant palm alone had sent him flying, causing his qi and blood to boil.