Mount Dadong Heritage Site

Still shrouded in his black robes, Wu Dong took to the skies and disappeared beneath the moonlight.

He was a divine-conversion pinnacle elite who had cultivated in aura restraining techniques, hiding up in the skies while he observed the small town beneath at the wildlands: Yuzhen!

The ten-thousand personnel garrison was now empty—even the military's elite who stood guard there had left.

"What's going on?

"Why would the troops and elites of Yuzhen leave?"

Wu Dong landed on the ground but did not dare to enter the city. After all, he was afraid that there would be still be forces left in the town without confirming the situation, which was why he stood at the edge of the town and used his spirit to scan it several times, but found that there were actually several weak Ferals roaming inside.

"They're really gone?"

He was rather surprised.