The Sky Demon Cult’s Mountain Guarding Array

Once again, Jiang He could not sleep.

He lay in his bed, tossing and turning but never dozing off.

For some reason, once he closed his eyes, Wang Siyu, Sora, and Boa Hancock's silhouttes would appear in his mind.

Hell, forget them showing up—they would actually do embarrassing stuff to him! It was too much!

And that was not all.

Aside from that trio, even Mu Wanqiu would join the fray. Therefore, while Jiang He first assumed that he was simply brimming with energy, he changed his mind…

How could he be brimming with energy?

He had had a tough time farming the entire day, and he should be tired and worn out. Moreover, if he were brimming with energy, why would Mu Wanqiu suddenly appear in his mind?

It was not like he lusted after her body.

Sitting up on his bed, he glanced at the time…

It was not even two in the morning.