Jiang He Draws A Talisman

In the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, the Thunder Talisman Daoist was famous for his poor temper.

Having suffered through six retributions, his ability was incredible in the first place. Since he also had an outstanding technique in crafting talismans, he was therefore ranked highly in his sect and he could severely vent his rage at others even though they had seven or eight retributions under their belt.

As such, under normal circumstances, the Thunder Talisman Daoist would have already rolled up his sleeves and unsheathed his sword to attack after having been so directly mocked about having weak cultivation and Yuan Spirit as well as held in contempt.

Even so, in that very moment, he felt no grief, but was a little… pleased.

Jiang He held him in contempt?


He was afraid Jiang He might really release his Yuan Spirit secret technique at himself.