They Were All Struck Down By Lightning

"What the f*ck…"

A curse could be heard echoing throughout the world.

The Senior Elder of the Green Hill Foxes was left baffled, even as he controlled the immortal daemon corpse that was almost a thousand-meter long as it sore through the skies… How the heck did his Yuan Spirit clone get locked on by the thunderbolts of retribution?

His true form was being targeted too.

Likewise, the other Elder Daemon Foxes all felt the color drain out of their faces.

The thunderclouds were singling out their auras and nothing else.

That beautiful vixen even cried out in panic, "Why did two heavenly thunderbolts lock on to me?"

Beside her, the true form of the white-furred Senior Elder turned towards her with a scowl. "I'm targeted by two bolts as well… Everyone, rally inside the Jade Tower! We'll work together to repel the heavenly retribution!"