The Twelve Overdeities

Pei Donglai was already a divine-union tier martial elite, and had reached the Void-tier later.

After Jiang He created a brand-new martial arts system with the Martial Scripture, Pei Donglai had wandered across the world as he retrained in martial arts, reaching Yin-Yang tier.

He looked up at the distant skies, where Jiang He had pointed his Yuan Killer Sword at the Divine Mountain.

Beneath his feet, godly blood splattered.

He was also fiddling with a six-sided prism 'divinity'.

It may be Jiang He's first time seeing Divine Spirits or Divinity, but he uncovered the essence within with just a few glances, and could not help laughing. "I see…"

"Divinity here might sound high and mighty, but it actually is similar to Martial Golden Pellet. The difference here is that the Golden Pellet is a manifestation of godly martial arts, whereas the Divinity is a condensation of western cultivators toward Dao."