Having A Little Trade with The Chan Sect

"Stop arguing, all of you!"

"Hear me out!

"Violence solves nothing. Allow me to be the mediator here, and suggest for everyone to sit down and have a calm discussion?"

Jiang He stepped out in the critical moment, standing between the Nether River Patriarch and the elites of the Hollow Jade Temple. He was worried that everyone would really start fighting if he did not, and Swift Star could be destroyed if a tiny iota of their powers was misaimed.

Silence immediately ensued.

The elites from the Hollow Jade Temple were staring at Jiang He, taken aback.

Even the Nether River Patriarch was staring blankly.

You are going to the mediator?

Do you have no idea how all of this started?


The Nether River Patriarch extended his hand and grabbed toward Jiang He. A giant blood-hued hand hence materialized out of thin air and almost instantly encircled Jiang He.

"Nether River!"