Chapter 25 A Craft Skill

Men enjoy discussing war.

Whenever war is mentioned, it inevitably relates to the recent rebellion in Wutu.

And where there is mention of Wutu, there is Eternal City; and with Eternal City comes Empress Li Yunzi, and then the topic spirals out of control.

Once too dazzling, a combination of wisdom, bravery, and beauty, she illuminated the whole Ancestral Dragon City-State territory, but in the process of quelling the Wutu rebellion, such a thing happened.

"Once disgraced, one struggles to command respect, and without respect, one cannot lead an army. The Valkyrie of Ancestral Dragon City-State was thus pulled down from God's altar by a wretched commoner, alas." A handsome young man holding a scroll let out a light sigh, shaking his head as he looked at the group of youngsters spewing foul language.

Nan Lingsha, seeing more and more people in the Book Pavilion, glared fiercely at Zhu Minglang, with a look that said, "I'll let you off today."