Chapter 42 Unparalleled in the World

Li Yunzi waved her hand at that moment, issuing a kill order to the Flying Bird Camp in midair!

In an instant, hundreds of Flying Bird Pseudo-Dragons dived down, each person exuding a bloodthirsty aura that perfectly resonated with the fierce Pseudo-Dragons!

This airborne slaughter was more devastating than cavalry trampling; it was like reaping wheat, with swathes of blood-red spreading open, and countless rioters falling into pools of blood!!

"Charge, charge, we have no way back!!" Some still waved their flags and shouted within the riot army.

As blood sprayed and screams were incessant, some still rushed into the scars from swords, making it to the now shallow lake, running madly towards Rong Valley City!

Like geese casting shadows, they rose and fell, each low-flying swoop claiming lives of the rioters who never made it to the city towers of Rong Valley before dying terribly under the blade.