Chapter 47 Ancient Dragon Warfare Skills

"Eating this one is as good as those seven combined!" Zhu Minglang was delighted. Hong Hao really hadn't deceived him—the hunting here was indeed very fruitful!

Zhu Minglang had already set his sights on his prey and was about to call the Black Azure Violent Dragon, which was a little behind him, when suddenly a fierce wind arose, causing the fir trees to sway violently, and numerous cones to fall to the ground like hail.

The large black wild boar immediately became alert. It rotated its head, trying to identify the source of the peculiar wind.

Suddenly, a white-furred giant shadow charged at the large black wild boar with extreme speed. Zhu Minglang felt as if the forest itself was shaking before his eyes.


The large black wild boar let out one cry after another as the white-furred frenzied shadow lifted it up. At mid-air, the creature bit straight into the black boar's neck!