Chapter 76 Becoming a Demon

"Screech screech screech!!!!"

Sharp cries erupted from the broken mountain wall, and from that night vine-covered barrier, a pair of greasy green eyes emerged...

These eyes moved among the night vine leaves; the body was unseen, only those toxic-glowing green eyes were mortifying, as if one's own heart had been gouged out, breathing becoming rapid!

"Zhu Minglang, it's that night vine ratwolf! This creature must have a cultivation of over nine hundred years, and now it's about to become a demon!" Jin Minjun's voice came from somewhere, his presence unseen, only his voice heard.

Nine hundred years of cultivation, a monster on the verge of demonhood!!

There is a fundamental difference between demon spirits and devil spirits, and some who transform into dragons are the food of these devil spirits.

"This beast, it's aiming to become a demon through us!" Jin Minjun's voice carried a hint of sobbing, as though he was tearfully outraged.