Chapter 78 Painted City

At the rear of the procession, a large group of ragged bandits was encircled by the officials. Their hands were broken and bound in an almost contorted manner; the agony on their faces was testament to the cruel bone-breaking punishment they were enduring...

The bone-breaking punishment was an order issued by Zheng Yu, who had all the captured bandits' joints broken.

Indeed, any city lord who heard about the atrocities these bandits committed in the villages and towns they plundered would have wished to have them dismembered on the spot.

Zheng Yu, too, had suppressed the rage in his heart and resorted to this bone-breaking punishment to escort them all back to Dwarf Mountain City.

"Brother Zhu, was your mission not successful either?" Zheng Yu asked Zhu Minglang with a wry smile.

"We lost a junior sister," Zhu Minglang replied.

"Which one?"