Chapter 91 Close Protection

"Having no reputation as a teacher, and having made enemies on all sides, I am injured now. If you continue to tell others about that so-called mutual affection, it is tantamount to sending yourself down the Netherworld Road. What I have told you today is just this…" Li Yunzi was seemingly calm as she narrated, but she also struggled with hesitation.

Zhu Minglang understood the message behind Li Yunzi's words.

"You trust me, that's why you're telling me all this. But why conclude with such misleading words? If I were a straightforward man, I might think you want to part ways with me," Zhu Minglang spoke up.


"If you need me, just say it. I'll pack my things tomorrow and move in, uh, I mean, move in to protect you," Zhu Minglang said.

Li Yunzi looked at Zhu Minglang's earnest face, feeling both relieved and helpless.

Relieved that Zhu Minglang understood the things she left unsaid.