Chapter 153: Banyan Bee Hive

With Qin Yang leading the way,

Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha no longer needed to walk aimlessly.

He had previously been somewhat worried about not being able to find that trashy group from the Royal Young Gang.

Each power had three spots, and the vast majority of people from the same power would walk together, even forming alliances with other powers they had good relations with.

The competition rules inherently had many loopholes, the wider one's connections and the stronger one's power, the greater the advantage they would ultimately have.

Of course, smaller powers could also band together, but their trust in one another might not be as strong, and they could very well tear each other's faces over the interests of a city-state!

Qin Yang told Zhu Minglang that Zhu Gate also had some allied forces and suggested that if they wanted to make a move on the Royal Young Gang, it would be best to join them.

But both Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha felt that would be too time-consuming.