Chapter 167 Sword Meteor Sword Technique

Nan Lingsha looked at the crowd on the hillside, her brows furrowed as she approached.

The number of people in the Nine Army Tomb Mountain was more than imagined, and they clearly wouldn't easily give up any of the brocade boxes here.


Dragons roared, with an unknown number of Dragon Shepherds among them. For a time, the hillside was occupied by the silhouettes of Giant Dragons and Ancient Dragons, while the sky above was circled by many Azure Dragons!

The roars were deafening, and as their target was Zhu Minglang at the top of the hill, the Dragon Beasts rushed toward the summit while spewing breath at it!

As the dragons exhaled, different colors of energy could be seen erupting in Tomb Mountain!

Flames, frost breath, light-extinguishing breath, thunderous roars, quivering roars, sonic booms...

The colorful breaths of destruction interwove above Tomb Mountain into a terrifying spectacle.