Chapter 218 Recruitment of a Son-in-law at the Autumn Festival


Zhu Gate and Sword Sect still had a voice in the Supreme Court Empire.

The next morning, an army dispatched from Long River City took over Monument City and began a thorough investigation into the matter.

As expected, not only slaves were victims, but also merchants traveling from afar suffered as well. Although the missing person reports were piled up like mountains in the City Lord Mansion, the City Lord and officials had all set them aside.

No one would believe these people weren't trading with the Eyeless Sect.

For a time, all mercenary camps in Monument City were detained by the military and subjected to strict scrutiny. If any of the slaves had unclear origins, or were obviously plundered civilians, then all the operators of that mercenary camp were beheaded on the spot, with no mercy given!

Those who dealt in this business were more or less involved in human trafficking and could not withstand an investigation.