Chapter 231: Toughness!

"This is the Hall Master of the Yaoshan Sword Sect, Wu Feng," Bai Qin'an immediately introduced.

The Sect Leader wearing the black veil nodded slightly, but did not speak. Not only did she disregard the salutation, she did not respond at all.

Wu Feng felt somewhat embarrassed, not expecting the Sect Leader of the Miao Mountain Sword Sect to be so aloof, or was it that he, as a minor Hall Master, was simply beneath her notice?

As Wu Feng approached, he noticed that several Swordswomen, who were also Hall Masters, were intently staring at him.

After all, Wu Feng was a man past thirty and wouldn't narcissistically think that they were all enamored with him.

Most likely, they were eager to spar with him. It was not often that a Hall Master from the Yaoshan Sword Sect visited their mountain, and these women, who were obsessed with the Sword Dao, were probably itching to draw their swords and meet him in battle.

There seemed to be another very important reason.