Chapter 246: Am I Not as Good as Her?

"Master Wen, I had not thought you to be such a heartless person, given your identity as the leader of the Miao Mountain Sword Sect, why covet the title of princess of a mundane nation? What have you done with the real Princess Luoshui?" Zhu Minglang said.

"If you, Zhu Minglang, can abandon the Sword Dao to learn the Art of Dragon Shepherd, why can't I give up my title as princess in pursuit of the Sword Dao?" Wen Lingfei said.

Zhu Minglang furrowed his brows.

How could there be such an odd person in this world!

Wen Lingfei was, in the first place, the Princess of Miao Kingdom, the future ruler of this country.

At the same time, she was also the Sect Leader of the Miao Mountain Sword Sect, the youngest and yet the most powerful woman in the realm of the Sword Dao. This meant that the entire Miao Kingdom and its power were in her hands alone!

Did Meng Bingci know about Wen Lingfei's true identity, and thus sent me to vie for the position of the son-in-law to the throne?