Chapter 254: If You Like It, Take It Down

Upon hearing about the Neon Sea, most young ladies would show a face full of longing, wishing to visit that place, to walk around, and savor the uniqueness of this special sea region. They would gradually fall into the romantic trap of the coral forests there.

However, as soon as her own lady heard of the Neon Sea's beauty, her way of showing affection was to dominate it, ensuring that every drop of its water, every corner of its coral, belonged to her — such was the romance of a female ruler!

Perhaps for Li Yunzi, the Li Chuan Continent was still too small a place to truly showcase her talents.

"Think of it as a tour to scout the area. If there's a place you like, just mark it on the map," Zhu Minglang said.

Taking the ink brush from Zhu Minglang, Li Yunzi glanced at the map. She didn't concern herself with the area of the Neon Sea but instead located Miao Kingdom, and then marked it with a stroke of the brush.