Chapter 263: The Truce Law

Hu Bailing and Hu Chongming, the siblings, looked at Li Yunzi with astonished faces.

Beside them, Zhu Weicai, the recently joined leader of the Copper Knife Army, also widened his eyes at the sight of Li Yunzi.

"The Li Chuan Kingdom, isn't that the new territory that was incorporated into the Supreme Court Courtyard Continent not long ago?" said Yao Junshi.

"Are you the female State Preceptor who breached the Rui Nation Capital??"

Among the rulers, the legendary battle for the Li Chuan Continent had already spread far and wide, even as far west as the Imperial Dynasty, and those in the rulers' realms had also heard about it.

"I never expected to meet you, it's an honor!" Zhu Weicai of the Copper Knife Army quickly cupped his hands in a salute.