Chapter 268 Multiple Ambushes

"Coo coo~~~"

The Mourning Dragon made a sound like a furnace stoking, its chest visibly undulating rapidly as something seemed to spread from its lungs to its limbs!

Its limbs, as robust as a leopard's, exuded a terrifyingly cold aura when that bizarre power reached them, causing even its eyes to flash with demon light.

The Divine Green Holy Dragon stood in front of Zhu Minglang, surrounded by countless green vines slowly growing, with the thriving force of life spreading over the land it touched.


The Mourning Dragon sprang into action, shrouded in a black bat-like monster shadow that lent an eerie quality to its attacks, reminiscent of an evil bat swooping down on its prey in the night!

The Divine Green Holy Dragon erected a wall of vines which, regrettably, acted a bit too slowly, allowing the Mourning Dragon to leap right over it.

The Divine Green Holy Dragon hastily flapped its wings to take flight, but just then, Zhu Minglang said, "We can't dodge it."