Chapter 272 Escape Quickly!


Water pouches were distributed among the people of Stone Village, and though they now had drinking water, they were still shrouded by the specter of death.

Moreover, the water would soon be gone , and without the creek or the old well, they were still facing imminent death.

"Can we relocate the people of the village? The water sources here are all polluted, and we can't continue to survive," said Hu Bailing.

"That's impossible. The moment we leave the village, swarms of Mourning Dragons will appear, and then we will be on the path to certain death," Huang Lu shook his head.

"But we can't just hide in this Stone Village waiting to die. Besides, look at your village walls—they can't hold off the Mourning Dragons," Song Luo said.

As several people were debating their options, Zhu Minglang heard some strange noises.

He left the group and walked towards the back of a barn.

Behind the barn was an old well, and Zhu Minglang heard the noises coming from there.