Chapter 291 Hurriedly Leaving

Zhu Minglang had Little White explore the Black Lake beneath the fissure.

The Black Lake was vast, storing enough water to irrigate all the vegetation in Pear Blossom Gully, while at the same time, many gemstones settled at the bottom of the lake.

After making a round, Little White indeed did not see any Mourning Dragons, not even their saliva, fur, or footprints.

The place was as clean as a secret realm, with no signs of any creatures ever setting foot there.

Casually sweeping up all the gemstones from the lake bottom and storing them within the Ice Morning White Dragon's Universe Magic, Little White returned to the surface and relayed the details of the Black Lake in the Cave to Zhu Minglang.

"Since we've purified the water source, that's a significant accomplishment. Let's head back to the First Mountain Village," Zhu Minglang said.

"What about those Mourning Dragons from Stone Village that have vanished without a trace?" Hu Bailing asked.