Chapter 295: Profound Art, Eradication Pupil

He killed unperceived.

The Sword Spirit Dragon struck, aiming straight for Song Xunshan's life!

Song Xunshan slowly fell, his wrinkled face filled with disbelief!!

Lying dormant in Pear Blossom Gully for so many years, deceiving countless people, and even strengthening Yin Spirit Villagers, he was about to gain access to the higher divine Yin Spirit Techniques, about to be acknowledged by the higher villages, yet he died so easily at the hands of a few outsiders.

Blood kept flowing, and the corpse ghosts controlled by Song Xunshan also began to twitch spasmodically. Soon, they were like puppets whose strings had been cut, turning into puddles of rotten corpses!


Song Luo roared, his entire being like a furious wild beast.

Around him, several Polluted Night Sacrifice Dragons and Trickster Dragons appeared, attempting to kill in revenge for Song Xunshan.