Chapter 315: The Decline of Morality

Zhu Minglang couldn't help but shiver himself.

"Girl, I asked you to say something frightening, not to chill people to the marrow!"

In broad daylight, three Yin spirits were sitting on the threshold of the State Mansion's gate, and they were the cooks who had died within this month...

Alright, this could indeed intimidate the folks of the State Mansion.

Zhu Minglang cleared his throat and straightened out his robe, which just happened to be styled in an otherworldly fashion today. Combined with his ethereal temperament, cultivated from consuming only Immortal Fruits and Divine Pills instead of common grains, most likely these mortals would believe him.

"What poor scholar and little maid are these, loitering in front of the State Mansion? Get lost quickly!" At this moment, the fully armed Gatekeeper bellowed loudly.

Zhu Minglang had just started his celestial stride when he nearly stumbled.

Truly, mortals, with such poor vision, you are indeed only fit to be Gatekeepers!