Chapter 343: Annihilation of the Sect?

At the post station, those so-called righteous people were staring with their eyes wide and mouths agape!

Why had the River Immortal Ghost exuded such a terrifying aura earlier, one so horrifying that everyone lost their sense of righteousness, standing afar like cowards, only daring to sigh and not approach?

Yet now, the River Immortal Ghost resembled a tiny sprite, casually mauled by the arriving man's dragon as if it were a toy.

Was the River Immortal Ghost too weak, or was this man in front of them too powerful?

The answer is definitely the latter, as these people had just witnessed the strength of the River Immortal Ghost with their own eyes.

There was only one reason it could be taken down so effortlessly!

"May I ask, Dragon Herding Sanctifier, is this a higher Dragon King? So... so impressive," a Dragon Shepherd in his thirties dared to approach and asked in a low voice.