Chapter 356: Phoenix Nest


On the paper, there was a faint scent of ink made from nanmu juice, a familiar smell that must belong to Nan Lingsha.

After safely storing the letter, Zhu Minglang fell into a contemplation.

Li Yunzi meant for him to meet up with them as soon as possible and return to Li Chuan together.

But Zhu Minglang hesitated.

All four dragons were in the midst of Reincarnation Transformation. The Heavenly Slaughter Dragon was not as reliable as he'd hoped, providing protection but no use in a fight.

If he would return to Li Chuan now, he wouldn't be able to search for the Phoenix Nests that could shorten the time of Reincarnation Transformation.

Moreover, the food for the Heavenly Slaughter Dragon would become a huge problem.