Chapter 391 Dragon King Limbers Up


Dragon Taming High Court, Branch Conference Hall.

All the affairs of the branches were basically handled in this Branch Conference Hall.

Dragon Taming Academy had hundreds of branches across the Supreme Court Courtyard Continent, scattered among different countries and city-states.

Neon Sea Fantasy City was the Supreme Court, and naturally, it had always been the role model for all the branches.

Sun Chong, as the branch overseer, was sitting in a high chair, reporting the detailed situation to the Chief Supervisor and other officials.

Today, Sun Chong was scolded until he was drenched in a downpour of verbal abuse.

The disgrace of losing to an external academy in the grand competition had already spread far and wide, and several senior officials were showing Sun Chong no kindness due to the dishonor he had brought upon the Supreme Court.

However, luckily, Sun Chong had found some loopholes with which to firmly block Li Chuan Branch's inspection.