The cold lady I saw as a child looked just like this, and she still does today!
It's not because of good maintenance.
It's because she is an Immortal God with a long life!
"Mother," Zhu Minglang made a bow and then said, "I've already met sister, before you came…"
"She is my younger sister, your aunt, not your sister," Meng Bingci corrected.
The woman stuck out her tongue, making a cute face.
Zhu Minglang felt a bit dizzy.
What a mess.
This aunt of his looked younger than him by a few years, if they walked together, everyone would say she was his younger sister and him the older brother.
However, walking with Meng Bingci, there was no difference from walking with a sister either, once in the Divine Realm, everyone is a monster eternally young.
She wasn't remarried, nor did she have another family.
That was a relief.
"She is now the current Yuheng Star Goddess," Meng Bingci added.