Chapter 1062: Daoist Boy

Despite lacking clues about the Adjudicator, Zhu Minglang had already acquired the name of the Evil Immortal, which meant he could proceed smoothly with the investigation.

The file also recorded the residence of the young boy at the time.

Following the address, Zhu Minglang arrived at a suburban area barely within the boundaries of Fairy City Yuheng.

It was the Brown River, disgusting due to the upstream slaughterhouse; it was either filled with copious amounts of blood or unwanted offal discarded on the water's surface.

The Brown River had an incredibly foul odor.

Using the recorded address, Zhu Minglang found a ruined Daoist Temple.

Only two mud walls remained of the temple; the roof tiles were long gone, and the site was overgrown with reeds, moss, vines, and spider webs, all signs of many years of abandonment.

Zhu Minglang hoped to find some clues in this dilapidated Daoist Temple, but there was nothing left except for decay and desolation.