"Raising a pot??"
Zhu Minglang thought of these two words in his mind.
Some wealthy and cultured elites loved to drink tea, and they only drank exquisite tea.
Each time they drank a particular type of exquisite tea, they used the same teapot.
Over the years, the teapot, made of a special material, continuously absorbed the essence of the exquisite tea. The teapot itself emitted a tea fragrance that was even more fragrant than some new tea; even if one merely brewed plain water in it, the water would taste like good tea!
Therefore, the value of that teapot far exceeded that of the exquisite tea leaves and even became an irreplaceable rare treasure.
The Holy Dew of the Divine Tree was indeed exquisite tea, but over such a long period, it had been stolen by different ancient overlords...