Chapter 1116: The Silent Forest

The Xuange God comforted Wei Huan, yet she herself remained at a loss where she stood.

Though she was known as the All-knowing God, she was just as ignorant about Ghost Mark Star. Moreover, in such a purely barbaric slaughter environment, even as a Mechanist, she wasn't omnipotent. When every step forward was filled with death, all she could do was choose the path with the least death...

Passing through the resting crowd, the Xuange God found Zhu Minglang sitting under a large banyan tree.

Zhu Minglang was seated cross-legged, seemingly practicing some breathing technique, and not far from him lay an opened corpse of a Dark Ancient Dragon. It was unclear what purpose carrying this now-stinking corpse had served Zhu Minglang on his journey.

"Are you dissecting them?" asked the Xuange God.