Chapter 1134: The Snow Maiden's Hospitality

It took a great effort, but Zhu Minglang finally dealt with Xuan Hawk Immortal Monarch.

In the last burst of terrible power, Xuan Hawk Immortal Monarch nearly gouged a hole in the spine of the Xuanlong. Just in time, Zhu Minglang had the Nuwa Dragon intervene, helping Xuanlong neutralize this last desperate counterattack.

It was a close call, but no real danger.

An Immortal Monarch's strength must not be underestimated, and Xuanlong itself was not very skilled in controlling its new abilities. After the battle with Xuan Hawk Immortal Monarch, its strength should hope to increase again.

Upon arriving at the Tree God Cave Mansion, Zhu Minglang lit a fire inside.

There was plenty of eagle meat; those who liked boiled meat could have it boiled, those who liked roasted could enjoy it slowly roasted over a gentle fire.