Shen Tian, Foundation Establishment Cultivator

At Divine Firmament Sacred Ground, Saint Mountain…

It was one of the mountains in the sacred ground that had the most Spirit Qi.

The Divine Firmament Sacred Ground would have a new Saint every century, and he would be entitled to cultivate on the Saint Mountain for 90 years.

After these 90 years, the Saint would be considered a former Saint, and the mountain would be waiting for his new owner.

It had been eight years since the last Saint had left the Saint Mountain. By right, a new Saint should be coming in another two more years.

The Sacred Leader was indecisive between Zhang Yunting and Fang Chang before as the former one had more popularity, while the latter was stronger.

However, due to unforeseen circumstances, the new owner of the mountain was Shen Tian—someone with no popularity and not powerful enough.

Shen Tian knew that others would not accept him as the Saint easily, so he had been extremely careful these few days.