Big Dipper's Saint, Chen Zhongtian

Bodhisattva Kuduo explained, "I have never liked Buddhist scriptures, so I could not form the Bodhi avatar. The avatar just now was cast by my Master, an illusion stored within these Bodhi beads. Master had said that I was too easygoing. As the Bodhisattva of a sacred ground, I did not have the magnanimity and…"

Speaking till here, Bodhisattva Kuduo seemed to be unable to think of a suitable word.

Shen Tian seemed to be deep in thought. "Posh? Grandeur?"

Bodhisattva Kuduo hurriedly nodded. "That's right, posh and grandeur, but what does posh mean? Sigh… Never mind! Anyway, Master demanded that I must activate the avatar when I am outside. Otherwise, he won't let me leave, and I will be punished by copying the Buddhist scriptures' passages. He's simply heartless!"

Seeing Kuduo, who felt he was very wronged, Shen Tian could not help but secretly mourn for the Sonic Thunder Sacred Ground.