How Many Good Deeds Did You Do in Your Previous Lives to Be This Handsome?

A huge black mosquito was drawn on the bounty notice. Its body was black and had six dark red wings as if they were dyed in blood. Its size was also quite humongous, tens of meters long, and when it was flying in the air, it was like a fortress in the sky.

Black Mountain City seemed to be extremely tiny before this Mosquito Demon. They were unable to resist at all, and it was a one-sided slaughter.

What, you ask how Shen Tian came to a conclusion from just a bounty notice's information?

It's very simple—murals of the black red-winged mosquito attacking the city were behind that bounty picture, and it was still being updated.

Also, to compare just how big that black mosquito was, the painter who drew the murals had specially marked the size ratio beside it.

Thus, Shen Tian secretly admired the painter—this was the rigorous attitude that a cultural creator should have!