Vengeful Spirit Golden Crow's Attack

As Shen Tian and the rest enjoyed themselves in the Thearch's herb garden, the rest of the folks outside were not having as good a time.

The groups exploring the Golden Crow Thearch's tomb comprised the core members of the various sacred grounds across the five regions. There were many worldly and experienced practitioners amongst them.

As they ventured deeper into the tomb, an increasing number of them realized that this tomb was not as simple as it looked.

In particular, a number of unlucky teams came into contact with some special ancient seals after breaking into some secret rooms, unleashing terrible evils which had been sealed off for tens of thousands of years!


In the dim tunnels, a team from Middle Ground's Da Li Sacred Ground was fleeing pathetically.

The Da Li Sacred Ground was not considered amongst the top of the 49 Sacred Grounds in Middle Ground, but they were also not the bottom few.