Outstanding Divine Firmament Sacred Ground!

The light behind Eunuch Gui shone even more brightly, and the six blazing suns were like a furnace, heating up the surroundings!

He walked forward in mid-air as he stepped on the blazing divine rainbow. It was an extremely dazzling scene as he dashed toward that 21st Spirit Mountain.

"The Nine Sun Saint is charging toward the 21st Saint Mountain!"

"Can he really do it?"

Everyone was astonished as they stared at Eunuch Gui.

Eunuch Gui cultivated the Imperial Sutra of Sun, which was originally from the source of the Nine Sun Battle Sutra. The Nine Sun Battle Sutra was but a branch out created from the Imperial Sutra of Sun.

The Imperial Sutra of Sun was the legitimate one, so it was naturally easier to shock others with the strength it unleashed.

Therefore, all the prodigies thought that Eunuch Gui was the Nine Sun Saint!