After listening for several minutes, hearing Chu Chen finally wrap up, everyone there, not just Chen Tongpu, was bewildered.
Everyone was in a daze.
Exactly how much Chu Chen talked about, they couldn't remember. The only thing they remembered was that it was so much, so much, so much...
How much asset is this exactly?
They couldn't calculate it anymore.
Chen Tongpu and the other two executives were also dazzled and at a loss.
Never mind the long list of assets that followed.
They heard just ten Galaxy Bay Lake Heart Island Villas and an International Financial Center building and already felt dizzy.
This definitely exceeded ten billion.
Their company had a certain strength, but at most could manage only tens of billions of assets. More than that, they would be powerless.
The largest asset amount they had ever seen was from a wealthy family, scattered about, totaling seven to eight billion in assets.