Chapter 319: Who are you to say that?!

The Appraisal Expert suddenly got up to stop the elderly man when he saw he was about to leave.

"Although this is a modern replica without historical value, it still holds certain artistic value,"

the Appraisal Expert explained.

The value between antiques and artworks is worlds apart!

"I personally prefer artworks, and to help you, I'm willing to buy it."

The Appraisal Expert said to the elderly man, as if it was a difficult decision to make.


The elderly man asked in surprise. There were some issues at home, and he urgently needed a large sum of money; otherwise, he wouldn't consider selling a family heirloom.

"How much can you give?"

The elderly man asked.

"If it were genuine, this quality of Jade Pendant would be worth at least half a million."

The Appraisal Expert replied.

Hearing this, the elderly man immediately got excited. Could it really sell for so much?

Even if it's a replica, it should still fetch some money, right?