Chapter 90! family traitor

Would it be alright to execute him?

Lu Qing did not have much of an impression of this Lu mingnan. He opened the system interface and looked at his details before he remembered this person.

Lu mingnan's grandfather was Lu Qing's eighth son, Lu chaozhao.

Lu chaoshao's third child did not have spiritual roots and could not cultivate. He died of illness a few years ago.

Lu mingnan himself was a cultivator with three spiritual roots, but he did not work hard in his cultivation and his comprehension was just so-so. He was 33 years old this year and was at the fifth level of the Qi refining stage. He usually did not have much of a presence in the family.

Why did mingchao want to execute him?

He really had to go back and take a look.

Lu Qing first told chaoxi that he was going to temporarily withdraw his divine sense and that he should not panic if he could not find him.