Your head is the best sacrifice

Zhao zhengzha, who was in anling city, smashed his teacup on the ground after hearing about the Sishui River.

He received the latest news from the Sishui River.

After mu Yangcheng and the Lu clan exterminated the MA clan, they announced the MA clan's 'crimes'.

The first one claimed that MA was immoral. He extorted taxes in Sishui and made the people live in misery. Many Orthodox cultivators in Sishui were angry but dared not speak up. This time, mu Yangcheng represented the cultivation circle in Sishui and cooperated with the Lu family to attack MA. He was doing this on behalf of heaven.

Secondly, it was said that Ma family forgot their ancestors and the branch family destroyed the main family. The Lu family was taking revenge for their strong ally from 35 years ago, the real Ma family.

Third, they said that MA was immoral and robbed the Lu family's transport team for revenge.

The three crimes were said fairly and fairly, and the key points were all on point.