The Han and mu families

The Holy tower of spiritual peak looked huge, but it only had five floors. Each floor was tall, spacious, and empty. There were only murals on the ceiling and the stairs that led up.

After looking at the frescoes on the five floors, the six cultivators of the Lu clan looked at each other and didn't say anything.

Although they didn't speak, they could tell what everyone was thinking from their eyes.

They all felt that this matter was very dreamy and unbelievable. They felt that the contents of these murals were just like those novels and legends circulating in the market.

However, reason told everyone that this was not the case.

The Holy tower of spiritual peak was made of heaven and earth phenomenon, and the murals inside were carved out bit by bit by lightning that appeared out of thin air.

To say that these murals were made up?

But this was too bizarre.

"Don't mention this after we get out." Lu chaoxi said after thinking for a while.

"I'll save it."