Chapter 153 longevity Scripture

ancient secret land: Level 2 "

Reiki quality: level three "

[special trait 1: accelerated growth of spiritual plants. Spiritual plants planted in ancient secret realms can increase their growth speed by 30% and medicinal effects by 10%]

[special trait 2: the entrance is opened at a fixed time. Currently, it is opened once a year, and each time is open for a month.]


Although this secret realm was not as powerful as the famous ones in the legends, such as the wood-attribute secret realm of the Qingfeng sect, this secret realm was not as powerful as the ones in the legends. However, it was more or less a secret realm, so what else was there to pick?

Moreover, this ancient secret realm wasn't completely useless. The accelerated growth of medicinal herbs would turn this place into the best medicinal garden.