You can catch me all in one fell swoop?

Lu Qing still had a rare three-star breakthrough spirit root in his hands.

Lu mingchao's success rate was already very high. The two conditions of having double spiritual roots and the yin-marrow water Jade guaranteed that Lu mingchao had a 70% chance of breaking through to the initial enlightenment stage.

In addition to the rare probability of breaking through to the spirit root, he was almost 100% sure that he would be enlightened.

Although Lu mingchao's breakthrough now was a little too early, her ninth-tier foundation building realm was still not stable enough, and this would also bring some risks. However, this risk was completely covered by the various increased success rates, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

He could not be careless when it came to breaking through to the initial enlightenment stage. Mingchao didn't need to remind her. She sent a letter to Yuyan mountain and asked xueting and tingchou to come to the spirit Lake vein together to protect her.