Chapter 196-ready to watch the show

Lu Qing would usually be more ruthless when dealing with enemies who were extremely loyal.

This kind of enemy was respectable, but he also deserved to be killed.

At most, after killing him, he would be given an incense stick if there were conditions.

Of course, he didn't need to do anything now. Hai Changsheng was the most exasperated person.

Letting Liang hide take over was to lay the foundation for the subsequent division of xuezhou trade and control of the Husheng trading company.

As a result, he was stabbed in the back. One could imagine how angry hai Changsheng was.

He had some understanding of his Junior Brother and knew that he was a loyal person who respected his master. It was also because of this that he had worked hard to push for Liang Dade to be the chairman of the Business Alliance.

However, it was clear now that Liang Shide's loyalty was not only due to his respect for his master, but also his loyalty to the entire sect.